Jerrold Grochow
Dr. Jerrold M. Grochow is a Senior Consultant with Cutter Consortium's Business Technology Strategies practice. He is an analyst and innovator in the areas of strategic and tactical technology planning, operational effectiveness and risk assessment, and general IT management, with the ability to balance technical and business judgment in developing strategic approaches to complex problems. Dr. Grochow's background includes technical and managerial experience from line, P/L, and staff positions as well as 25 years in the consulting industry. His current work focuses on business process improvement and increasing the value of IT to the enterprise.
Dr. Grochow is the former VP for IS/IT at MIT. He currently participates in the MIT Energy Initiative research group, studying the future of the US electric grid, where his focus is on data communications and cybersecurity. Prior to MIT, Dr. Grochow served as CTO at FOLIOfn, a startup providing innovative Internet-based financial services. He has also been a consultant to the MITRE Corporation, working with the US Department of Treasury's Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Compliance Policy on issues related to the banking and financial industry. While at MITRE, Dr. Grochow also provided guidance to the Business Systems Modernization Program of the US Internal Revenue Service in the areas of project management, system testing, and performance engineering. He was also CTO at American Management Systems (AMS), an international management and systems consulting firm, and Founder and Director of the AMS Center for Advanced Technologies. Prior to this position, Dr. Grochow spent 20 years as an analyst, designer, and manager of IS projects for various large-scale financial, industry, and governmental applications. Previously, while working at MIT, he helped develop the Multics time-sharing system (the predecessor of Unix) and MIT's first use of the ARPANET (the predecessor of the Internet).
In addition to two books on topics related to computer systems development, Dr. Grochow has written articles on the business applications of advanced technologies in numerous industry and general publications, including eWeek, Computerworld, Information Week, and Financial Times. He received his BS and MS in electrical engineering and his PhD in management from MIT. Dr. Grochow was selected as Computerworld's 100 Premier IT Leaders in 2006 and designated a Distinguished Engineer by the Association for Computing Machinery in 2008. He can be reached at consulting@cutter.com.