Mary Lacity
Mary C. Lacity is the Curators' Professor of Information Systems at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and a Visiting Scholar at MIT CISR (Center for Information Systems Research). Dr. Lacity has also held visiting positions at the London School of Economics, Washington University, and Oxford University. She is also a Certified Outsourcing Professional, coeditor of the Palgrave Series: Work, Technology, and Globalization, and Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly Executive and Journal of Information TechnologyTeaching Cases. Dr. Lacity serves on the editorial boards for Journal of Information Technology, MISQ Executive, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal. She was inducted into the IAOP's Outsourcing Hall of Fame in 2014 -- one of only three academics to ever be inducted. She was also the recipient of the 2008 Gateway to Innovation Award, sponsored by the IT Coalition, Society for Information Management, and St. Louis RCGA, and the 2000 World Outsourcing Achievement Award, sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers and Michael Corbett and Associates. Dr. Lacity has published 20 books, including Nine Keys to World-Class Business Process Outsourcing,Outsourcing -- All You Need To Know, and The Rise of Legal Services Outsourcing. Her publications have appeared in Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, MIS Quarterly, IEEE Computer, Communications of the ACM, and many other academic and practitioner outlets. Before earning her PhD at the University of Houston, Dr. Lacity worked as a consultant for Technology Partners International and as a systems analyst for Exxon. She can be reached at Mary.Lacity at umsl.edu.