Maureen Wolff
Maureen Wolff is CEO of Sharon Merrill Advisors, specializing in strategic communications on investor relations, story creation, and stakeholder engagement. She is a nationally recognized thought leader with more than 35 years’ experience advising C-suite executives and board members on how to improve their communications, build credibility, and maximize stakeholder value. Ms. Wolff provides strategic guidance for diverse scenarios, such as executive transitions, crisis communications, IPOs, and M&As, among others. She is renowned for offering clients actionable advice on best-in-class sustainability strategies, navigating proxy contests and activism campaigns, enhancing proxy communications, raising capital, and developing crisis communications strategies. Ms. Wolff has a proven history of leadership within the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI), having served as Chairman, Director, and participating in the Senior Roundtable, as well as being recognized as a NIRI Fellow. She is a recipient of the IR Magazine Lifetime Achievement Award and was recently inducted into the IR Magazine Hall of Fame. She can be reached at Mwolff@InvestorRelations.com.