Monika Winn
Monika Winn, Professor Emerita, served as Professor of Sustainability and Strategy, Francis G. Winspear Scholar, and cofounder and Director of the Centre for Social and Sustainable Innovation at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria, Canada, until July 2020. She is a pioneering scholar in the area of business sustainability and has won many awards. Her leadership helped sustainability and social responsibility become integral parts of the culture and values at Gustavson. Dr. Winn’s research focuses on organizational and institutional change related to sustainability. She has been published in Academy of Management Review, Organization Studies, Business & Society, Journal of Business Venturing, British Journal of Management, among others. She has actively collaborated with colleagues in several international research networks spanning Europe, North America, and Australia. Dr. Winn earned a PhD from the University of California, Irvine. She can be reached at miwinn@uvic.ca.