Paul Clermont
Paul Clermont is a Cutter Expert. He has been a consultant in IT strategy, governance, and management for 40 years and is a founding member of Prometheus Endeavor, an informal group of veteran consultants in that field. His clients have been primarily in the financial and manufacturing industries, as well as the US government. Mr. Clermont takes a clear, practical view of how information technology can transform organizations and what it takes to direct both business people and technicians toward that end. His major practice areas include directing, managing, and organizing information technology; reengineering business processes to take full advantage of technology; and developing economic models and business plans.
Mr. Clermont is known for successfully communicating IT issues to general managers in a comprehensible, jargon-free way that frames decisions and describes their consequences in business terms. In his consulting engagements, he follows a pragmatic approach to the specific situation and players at hand and is not wedded to particular models, methodologies, or textbook solutions.
Before going into individual practice, Mr. Clermont was a Principal with Nolan, Norton & Co., a boutique consultancy that became part of KPMG. Before joining Nolan, Norton & Co., he directed IT strategy at a major Boston bank and launched its IT executive steering committee. Mr. Clermont has spoken and written about the challenges of getting significant and predictable value from IT investments and has taught executive MBA courses on the topic. His undergraduate and graduate education at MIT's Sloan School of Management was heavily oriented toward operations research. He can be reached at experts@cutter.com.