Senthil Kumar Sundaramoorthy
Senthil Sundaramoorthy is R&D Associate Staff Member in the Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Research & Analysis Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) with 12+ years’ experience managing and applying best practices in industrial and commercial energy systems. Mr. Kumar provides technical support to US Department of Energy (DOE) Better Plants and Better Climate Challenge partners in collaboration with the DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) in the areas of energy and carbon-reduction roadmap development, baselining analyses, energy assessments, and training. Previously, he worked at Hudson Technologies, conducting energy assessments, offering technical support, and leading custom engineering projects. As a product lead, Mr. Kumar oversaw Hudson’s Monitoring-Based Commissioning and Fault Detection and Diagnostics platform, managing systems to monitor energy-intensive operations and identifying/implementing energy-efficiency projects for customers. He also conducted energy audits for small and medium-sized manufacturing plants at the Industrial Assessment Center at West Virginia University and led the development of a comprehensive energy analysis tool for the galvanizing industry. Mr. Kumar earned a master’s degree in industrial engineering from West Virginia University. He can be reached at sundaramoors@ornl.gov.