Wim Grembergen
Wim Van Grembergen is a professor in the Economics and Management Faculty of the University of Antwerp and at the University of Antwerp Management School. Dr. Van Grembergen teaches information systems at the bachelor, master, and executive levels and researches IT governance, IT strategy, IT performance management, and the IT balanced scorecard. Within his IT Alignment and Governance Research Institute, he also conducts applied research in these domains. Dr. Van Grembergen is a frequent speaker at academic and professional meetings and conferences and serves in a consulting capacity to a number of firms. He has published in several leading journals and has written books on IT governance and the IT balanced scorecard. His most recent book with Steven De Haes, Enterprise Governance of IT: Achieving Strategic Alignment and Value, was published in 2009 (Springer). Dr. Van Grembergen can be reached at wim.vangrembergenat ua.ac.be.