
Enterprise Information Portals: Resolving the Identity Crisis

Posted April 1, 2004 | Technology | Cutter Benchmark Review

Over the past decade, pretty much anyone who has used the Internet has also used portals. Portals have become familiar; we know what they are, what they do, and how to use them. But as corporate IT applications, they have suffered from an identity crisis. It's not the fault of the portals or of portal vendors. The problem lies with us -- the current and prospective users of corporate portals -- and it boils down to this: we don't know what we want portals to be.

About The Author
Robert Austin
Robert D. Austin is a Cutter Consortium Fellow and a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network. He is a regular speaker at the annual Cutter Summit and often delivers Cutter Bootcamps. Dr. Austin served as a professor on the faculty at Harvard Business School for more than a decade, and then as Professor of Management of Innovation & Digital Transformation at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark. He is currently Professor… Read More
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