Building Competitive Advantage Using the Enterprise Business Architecture

Posted March 31, 2011 | Technology |

Numerous companies are considering as a strategic corporate initiative the adoption of an enterprise business architecture (EBA) built using James Martin's value streams. While researching and analyzing the EBA, some are rediscovering Michael Porter's value chain analysis, which is used to achieve a competitive advantage. Many find this reawakening quite logical, and as this article will explain, a natural extension of the EBA's value streams may indeed lead to competitive advantage.

About The Author
Ralph Whittle
Ralph Whittle is coauthor, with Conrad Myrick, of Enterprise Business Architecture: The Formal Link between Strategy and Results. He is a strategic business/IT consultant and subject matter expert in enterprise business architecture development and implementation. Mr. Whittle has built enterprise business architectures in various industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, and technology. He is also coinventor of a… Read More
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