Executive Update

CIO Eyes Only: One More Case for Green IT -- Part I

Posted January 14, 2008 | Leadership |

Today, the skill set required to upgrade data center energy efficiency echoes the very same knowledge required to rapidly downsize IT operations during an energy emergency. As a data center manager, do you have that skill set? If you were tasked with developing a plan in a few weeks to lower IT power consumption by 50% as quickly as possible, could you write a plan while minimally affecting operations? What would you do first, second, and third?

About The Author
Deborah Grove
Deborah Grove is the founder of Grove Associates. Grove Associates works with executives on company strategies that endorse the principles of sustainability, the hallmarks of innovation, and the competitive edge of a nimble IT organization (read more, including a blog on green IT, atwww.grove-associates.com). Ms. Grove also has received Global Business Network's training on scenario planning (www.gbn.com).
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