
Cloud Computing: The New Foundation for Corporate IT?

Posted July 12, 2011 | Leadership | Technology |

Cloud computing "as a platform" will change the economics of computing by replacing up-front CAPEX with a more scalable, variable cost structure based on an on-demand, (almost) friction-free entry/exit, elastic, pay-as-you-go m

About The Author
Annie Shum
Annie Shum is a Senior Consultant with Cutter's Data Insight & Social BI practice. She is winner of the 2004 A.A. Michelson Award and is internationally recognized as an innovator and top-ranking queueing model expert for performance assurance analysis and capacity planning. She is a frequent speaker at industry conferences, including the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium. Dr. Shum is the former VP of Advanced Technology at Amdocs, where she led and… Read More
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