
Disrupting EA

Posted February 23, 2016 | Technology | Amplify

If we’re going to discuss disruptive forces in enterprise architecture (EA), we ought to ask if EA itself is at risk of disruption. Is there a customer base that currently does not value EA but could benefit from a simpler version of it? A truly effective enterprise architecture should be something that senior executives in an enterprise use to manage their business on a day-to-day basis, that guides the implementation of strategy, and that helps them in communicating and implementing change.

About The Author
Kevin Brennan
Kevin Brennan is a business architect and Professor at George Brown College, Canada. Mr. Brennan is best known for leading the creation and development of the Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK® Guide) and other business analysis standards and was the lead author of Digital Product Management, available from BCS Learning. He has a Master's in Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Penn State and holds several… Read More
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