Man's quest for an enhanced human experience using wearables, be it for productivity or for leisure, is age-old. Attempts such as arm-worn wings to enable flight or even an abacus on a ring date back several hundred years.1 However, the proliferation of contemporary wearables ranging from smartwatches to smart glasses, cameras, headsets, and clothing is a 21st-century phenomenon, and it has the potential to significantly alter the way people live, work, and play. But as with other technology development endeavors, the question of how wearables should be built so that they provide the optimal user experience remains. Further, how do we evaluate the performance of such wearables? We address these key questions in this article.
Entangle the Wearables: A Sociomateriality Approach to Design
Posted September 27, 2015 | Leadership | Technology | Amplify
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