Enterprise Risk Management: There's a Human Side, Too

Posted July 18, 2012 | Leadership |


To the person in the street, the notion of managing risks at the enterprise level would seem like common sense -- ensuring that the enterprise doesn't take too many risks and that the ones it does take are sufficiently uncorrelated with one another that a single unfavorable event will not create a domino effect. Shareholders expect it. Employees want it for their own job security.

About The Author
Paul Clermont
Paul Clermont is a Cutter Expert. He has been a consultant in IT strategy, governance, and management for 40 years and is a founding member of Prometheus Endeavor, an informal group of veteran consultants in that field. His clients have been primarily in the financial and manufacturing industries, as well as the US government. Mr. Clermont takes a clear, practical view of how information technology can transform organizations and what it takes… Read More
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