
Enterprise Systems: Modeling Culture and Politics

Posted July 23, 2014 | Technology |

For teams tasked with developing an organization's enterprise systems, there are extra issues to consider in addition to those encountered in a business-to-consumer context. For starters, any such project will have political and cultural repercussions. In business, there is generally a tacit understanding that the feelings that make people say and do things -- really -- are undiscussable. As a pungent blog post on the subject of corporate culture recently observed:

About The Author
Nick Voil
Nick de Voil is the founder and Managing Director of De Voil Consulting, an information systems and customer experience consultancy based in the UK. The firm helps organizations design business processes that deliver excellent customer experience. Mr. de Voil has delivered projects for such organizations as the British Library, BT, Cambridge University, Channel 4, Sky Television, and UBS. He has spoken on these and general management topics at… Read More
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