
Achieving the Benefits and Minimizing the Costs of BPM

Posted February 1, 2005 | Technology | Cutter Benchmark Review

Business performance management has generated considerable interest among organizations worldwide. Is it just the latest IT buzzword destined to die out in a few months, or is it here to stay? In this issue of Cutter Benchmark Review, Cutter Consortium Senior Consultant Curt Hall presents the results of a recent study on the acceptance and benefits of BPM, predicting that the adoption of BPM practices will enjoy steady but moderate growth through the end of this year.

About The Author
William Walton
Bill Walton's areas of special interest and expertise include performance measurement, integrated strategic planning, IT/business value, organizational change management, and technology driven change. Previously, Mr. Walton spent 17 years with Gartner Group and Real Decisions, where he was responsible for the development of several innovative IT measurement services and their associated analytical methods. Most recently, Mr. Walton was involved… Read More
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