
Winning the LOB Challenge: Finite State Machines to the Rescue

Posted January 3, 2019 | Leadership |

My colleagues and I have visualized a line-of-business (LOB) application as a collection of finite state machines (FSMs) that model subjects and their interactions with each other. This immediately brings some much-needed structure to our application, while at the same time allowing it to be perfectly extensible. This structure will help us to automate the generation of LOB apps, as the problem now simplifies to specifying FSMs.

About The Author
Tejas Viswanath
Tejas Viswanath is founder and CTO of Chaldal, the world's first one-hour grocery delivery company. An engineer specializing in high-performance, scalable, and secure computing, he is driven by his vision of an efficient, connected world built on simple systems. Mr. Viswanath was previously the chief technology architect at SigFig, an automated investment advisory firm that powers wealth management algorithms in large banks like UBS and Wells… Read More
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