
The Future of Speech Recognition in the Enterprise is Mobile -- Part II

Posted November 18, 2014 | Leadership | Technology |

Reasons vary as to why the use of speech as a means for employees to interface with enterprise applications has received only limited use. Arguments run from limitations associated with the accuracy of early speech recognition systems to questions pertaining to their expected ROI in business scenarios. But I think the biggest reason has been the lack of a real need to actually use speech systems in the enterprise. Simply put, it has just been easier for employees to access most enterprise systems using a keyboard while they were at work; and this was the case for years.

About The Author
Curt Hall
Curt Hall is a Cutter Expert and a member of Arthur D. Little’s AMP open consulting network. He has extensive experience as an IT analyst covering technology and application development trends, markets, software, and services. Mr. Hall's expertise includes artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), intelligent process automation (IPA), natural language processing (NLP) and conversational computing, blockchain for business, and customer… Read More
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