North Northamptonshire, England, UK, with a population of 350,000, is a mixture of large market towns and more than 100 villages with a strategic growth plan through 2031 for 31,100 new jobs and 35,000 new homes. The aim of the NN2NZ project was to create a cost- and risk-adjusted road map for North Northamptonshire to achieve an equitable transition to net zero ahead of 2050.
The initial challenges were:
Determining how to create a holistic view from hundreds of data sets
Deciding which interventions to prioritize
Determining how to link intervention to impact on a data and evidence basis
Determining how to forecast scale and impact over time against the greenhouse gas (CO2e) gap
Determining how to interactively engage a diverse set of stakeholders ranging from policy makers to the general public
The digital twin incorporates data from thousands of low-carbon projects, technologies, and behavior initiatives, along with the carbon-saving impact of the interventions (see Figure 1). It might consider, for example, what if:
Every south-facing roof had solar
Every parking structure had solar and wind
People gave up their second cars
No one drove to work
solutions for reducing CO2
In this project, the role of the digital twin is to:
Aggregate data from diverse source for evidence-based decision-making. This includes land use, traffic data, building energy performance, social and demographic indicators, census data, and 3D data like roof shapes.
Analyze and simulate potential interventions to understand the trade-offs between impact and timing of interventions so that location-specific quick wins can be considered.
Interpret and communicate through visualizations, such as heat maps, red/amber/green (RAG)-rated infrastructure, and interactive 3D models.
Optimize multiple constrained objectives and give all stakeholders (planners, city councilors, developers, and the public) the ability to “optioneer” net zero futures, regardless of their analytical expertise or lack thereof.
Monitor and respond to the positive or negative impact of interventions in real time.
[For more on the project, see: “Accelerating the Journey to Net Zero with Digital Twins.”]