
How Will Corporations Manage IT in the Age of Smart Devices, Social Media, Wireless, and Big Data?

Posted October 30, 2013 | Leadership |

Recently there has been a spate of negative financial news in the big IT space. In some respects, this is not exactly new news. Companies like HP and Dell have had financial problems for some time, but now more mainstream organizations like Cisco, IBM, and Microsoft are all reporting falling revenues.

About The Author
Ken Orr
Ken Orr was a Fellow of the Cutter Business Technology Council and a Senior Consultant with Cutter Consortium's Data Analytics & Digital Technologies, Business Technology & Digital Transformation Strategies, and Business & Enterprise Architecture practices. He was also a regular speaker at Cutter Summits and symposia. Mr. Orr was an internationally recognized expert on enterprise architecture, data warehousing, knowledge management… Read More
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