
Java vs. .NET, Revisited

Posted September 22, 2009 | | Amplify

Five to seven years ago, Java versus .Net was a hot topic. At that time, many organizations were at this important crossroad. Now, they have all made up their minds. But some are reconsidering their previous decision.

Putting it very briefly, .Net currently is more common in smaller, front-end projects, where integration with the desktop is essential, while Java is more common in larger, back-end projects, where legacy platforms run the core business applications and where integration with legacy systems is crucial.

About The Author
Pini Cohen
Pini Cohen is a senior research analyst at STKI (SCHWARZKOPF The Knowledge Integrators), formally with association to META Group. His area of expertise is architecture and infrastructure: storage, servers, DBMS, application servers, application integration (EAI), SOA, and developing tools. Prior to joining STKI, Mr. Cohen was a Captain in the Israel Air Force (IAF) computer division. In this position he negotiated with the major computer vendors… Read More
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