
MDA Distilled

Posted February 24, 2004 | | Amplify

Imagine you work in an industry that employs large numbers of expensive people to apply their expertise to a problem, and all you get is the result. Even though their expertise can be partially codified, that information remains in their (expensive) heads, and it's never written down, much less automated. Imagine how expensive that would be!

About The Author
Stephen Mellor
Stephen J. Mellor is an internationally recognized pioneer in creating effective engineering approaches to software development. In 1985, he published the widely read Ward-Mellor trilogyStructured Development for Real-Time Systems; in 1988, the first books defining object-oriented analysis; and in 2002, Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture. Mr. Mellor's most recent book, MDA Distilled: Principles of Model-Driven… Read More
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