
The Return of the Polymath

Posted March 24, 2014 | Leadership | Amplify

The skills that many of us older folks (whom I will more blandly refer to as "employers") find missing in the younger generation are fairly well known. These include: communication skills, critical thinking skills, project management skills, teamwork skills, writing skills, and numeracy skills. Many reports on this skill gap cite surveys that measure employer perception of these skill gaps, not actual empirical measurement of the employees' skills. While studies that examine what each generation of students learns as a result of education shows increasing not decreasing knowledge, it is plausible that skill gaps can and do exist, even above and beyond the mythical perceptions each older generation may have about the younger one.

About The Author
Vince Kellen
Vince Kellen is a Fellow of Cutter Consortium, a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network, and a frequent Summit speaker. He is currently CIO at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), a member of UCSD’s Chancellor's Cabinet, and Vice Chancellor and CFO of the UCSD senior management team. Dr. Kellen brings a rare combination of academic, business, and IT strategy experience to his role, with a focus on strategic… Read More
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