
Smart Mobile Devices -- Your Next Security Breach?

Posted January 27, 2011 | Leadership | Leadership |

Smart mobile devices (SMDs) have become widespread among employees in organizations in all sectors of the economy. In contrast to the recent past, SMDs are not only for executives anymore. In the last two years, we have witnessed a rise in the demand for SMDs among all levels of employees. Despite resistance on behalf of IT professionals and especially information security professionals, there is a great deal of pressure by senior managers to synchronize their new smartphones to their work e-mail.

About The Author
Shahar Maor
Shahar Geiger Maor is VP and Senior Analyst for Infrastructure Services at Cutter Consortium's partner STKI in Israel. Mr. Shahar covers issues related to information security, including physical security, network security, threat management, data leakage, end-point and gateway protection, identity management, and more. He is a frequent speaker at conferences in Israel and hosts periodic roundtable sessions for STKI clients. Before joining STKI… Read More
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