
Software-Defined Networks

Posted July 9, 2015 | Technology |

Traditional computer networks are complex and very hard to manage (see "Unraveling the Complexity of Network Management"). To express the desired policies, network operators need to configure each individual network device, one by one, either manually or with the use of low-level scripts. In addition to configuration complexity, network environments have to endure the dynamics of faults and adapt to load changes. Enforcing the required policies in such a dynamic environment is highly challenging.

About The Author
Fernando Ramos
Fernando M.V. Ramos is Assistant Professor at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. He received a PhD from the University of Cambridge, a master of science degree from Queen Mary University of London, and a "Licenciatura" degree from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He has previously held academic positions at the University of Cambridge, the Higher Institute of Engineering of Lisbon, and the University of Aveiro. Periods outside academia… Read More
Diego Kreutz
Diego Kreutz received a BSc in computer science (2003), an MSc in production engineering (2007), and an MSc in informatics (2009) from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. Currently, he is working toward a PhD in computer science and computer engineering at the University of Luxembourg. Outside of academia, he has experience as an independent technical consultant on network operations and management for small and medium enterprises and… Read More
Paulo Verissimo
Paulo Veríssimo is a Professor and FNR PEARL Chair at the University of Luxembourg (UL), and Head of the CritiX research group at UL's SnT Centre. Dr. Veríssimo is a Fellow of IEEE and of ACM. He is Chair of the IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance and Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee of the DSN conference. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers. He is interested in secure and dependable distributed… Read More
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