Executive Update

A Systems View of BI

Posted November 4, 2010 | Technology |

You may hear people say that BI, as we know it, is "dead." Rather than dead, BI is likely to have a renewed lease on life. As Tim O'Reilly writes:

We're moving from a world in which analysts and executives study data and make decisions to a world in which analysts study data and rewrite algorithms that make decisions.1

About The Author
Paola Di Maio
Paola Di Maio is a systems analyst and engineer who studied knowledge and expert systems design before focusing professionally on content and knowledge management tools and architectures. She is the founder and former Editor-in-Chief of content-wire.com, the first online journal devoted to content management technologies. Dr. Di Maio is the creator of the Joint Optimization Metamodel (JOM) and previously developed and implemented high-level… Read More
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