Add Your Voice to the Conversation

Cutter offers a variety of virtual and in-person events, where you can engage with our experts and with other executives worldwide. From webinars to virtual bootcamps, in-person conferences to online seminars, we invite you to join the conversation today!


Agile Analytics

Watch Ken Collier in this on-demand webinar to learn how to enable the collaboration and continuous realignment of expectations between developers, customers, and managers that agile analytics requires; who makes up the core group of critical project community members without whom the agile analytics project cannot succeed?; the collaboration characteristics shared by effective analytics teams, and how you can become an effective leader who fosters these characteristics.


How to Keep Your CIO Job


The stories and statistics are well known and troubling: the door to the CIO office remains a revolving one. Every CIO -- whether new to the organization or long-sitting -- needs to know what is required to ensure organizational success and personal longevity.


Creating and Governing Communities of Practice

The value of Communities of Practice in improving knowledge sharing, employee motivation, career development and an organization's image has been validated by a number of case studies. But how do you go about it? Leave it totally to employees, and the communities may not take off. Apply excessive controls, and participants will resist the heavy hand of management.


High Performance Operations: Turning Compliance Into Competitive Advantage

In this on-demand webinar, you'll discover the secrets of incorporating non-value-added necessities into the value-added work stream. You'll learn how High Performance Operations allow you to regularly let go of things that aren't working, and how they incorporate routine incremental kaizan. You'll discover common mistakes that hinder high performance, including the role of leadership, culture, trust, empowerment, learning and communication that will help you understand how your organization can break the molds and make a complete shift in its operations


Implementing a Technical Debt Prevention, Measurement, and Reduction Program in Your Company Webinar

In this on-demand webinar, Dr. Israel Gat presents the Cutter Technical Debt Framework. He describes the experience and insights gained by applying the framework in various Cutter client engagements. Dr. Gat puts special emphasis on critical success factors for making the technical debt initiative work for you, your company, its partners and its customers.


What Should and Should Not Be Moved to the Cloud: How Enterprise Architecture Settles the Question Webinar

This on-demand webinar presents an overall enterprise architecture that incorporates the many different perspectives of the cloud, addresses the range of issues, and describes a framework to govern what can be moved to the cloud, what should not be moved, what IT should do proactively, what the business can do on its own, and what it must coordinate with IT.


Using Value Innovation to Boost Team Performance

Creating and fostering a culture of innovation -- encouraging innovative thinking, using innovative tools, and focusing on human factors -- delivers value to both an organization's customers and the enterprise itself. The result is an increase in competitive advantage. When you combine this culture of innovation and its resultant value with the quality advances you can achieve from implementing methodologies that encourage innovation, you have Value Innovation.


Overcoming the Enterprise Risk Management Paradox

In this on-demand webinar, we will take an in-depth look at where enterprise risk management has been, where it is today, and where it needs to go if it wishes to become relevant to organizations today, and more importantly, tomorrow.


The Practical Business Guide to Social CRM

In this on-demand webinar, Cutter Consortium Senior Consultant Jim Love takes you through the practical issues involved in making CRM and Social CRM a success.


An Executive Guide to Information Systems Transformation Webinar

In this on-demand webinar, William Ulrich outlines practical approaches to business-driven, IT architecture transformation using real world case studies and examples.