Add Your Voice to the Conversation

Cutter offers a variety of virtual and in-person events, where you can engage with our experts and with other executives worldwide. From webinars to virtual bootcamps, in-person conferences to online seminars, we invite you to join the conversation today!


Business Architecture: Lessons from the Trenches


Through updates and case studies, Whynde Kuehn provides useful insights for established business architecture practices as well as for teams just starting their business architecture journey. In this on-demand webinar Kuehn shares lessons from the trenches — business architecture in the real world.


The Future of Blockchain


Discover what organizations are doing — or planning to do — with blockchain in this 30-minute webinar presenting Cutter Consortium's latest research findings.


Leveraging Business Architecture: Translate Strategy into Action


In this hour-long recorded webinar, you'll learn about the strategy execution life cycle and the critical role business architecture plays in it.


How to Measure Performance on Agile Projects


In this all-new webinar, Cutter Senior Consultant Alexandre Rodrigues will discuss how a shift in perspective and reassertion of some key principles of project management can make EVM a successful tool for managing performance on Agile projects.


Digital Transformation & Innovation Bootcamp


Cutter’s Digital Transformation & Innovation Bootcamp is designed to help executive teams upend the reflex thinking that prevents essential change, take a fresh and creative look at opportunities, and dive deeply into what they need to do to succeed. Cutter Consortium Fellow, Professor Karim Lakhani will guide participants through a 2-day examina­tion of how digital innovation is transforming our business landscape.


Improve Customer Experience — Leverage Your Digital Data Streams


In this webinar, you'll discover the strategic and tactical opportunities made possible by Digital Data Streams and the opportunities for improved customer experience made possible by DDS.


Blockchain, the Shared Economy and Artificial Intelligence — The Dawn of the Digital Era


This Executive Roundtable examines why it is still the dawn of the digital age and phenomena such as blockchain, the shared economy, and artificial intelligence. You'll explore the true vocation of technology and the transformative potential to build the new Economy of distributed networks.


Cognitive Digital Transformation: The Next Wave


In this hour-long webinar, Cutter Senior Consultant Paul Harmon considers the growing role of artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies in all aspects of business. He argues that cognitive technologies will simply extend the ongoing digital transformation requiring that companies reconsider their business models and processes yet again and that they will need to incorporate intelligent elements to remain competitive.

Essential Agile Management Tools


Managers must make decisions in conditions of greater uncertainty and complexity, face contradictory requirements and meet conflict head-on in order to reach our goals. This workshop with Jorge Ronchese will look at the new challenges traditional management faces, including:


Transdisciplinary Innovation: Finding Solutions Where You Never Looked Before


In this hour-long webinar with Edgar Barroso, you’ll discover how, regardless of the size of your company, you can take advantage of thinking about the future and act on transdisciplinary insights.