Alan Trefler
Alan Trefler is the founder and CEO of Pegasystems. He also serves as Chairman of the Pegasystems Board of Directors. Mr. Trefler was named The American Business Award's "Software CEO of the Year" for 2009. He was also named "Public Company CEO of the Year" in 2011 by the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council. Mr. Trefler is the author of Build for Change: Revolutionizing Customer Engagement Through Continuous Digital Innovation and has frequently presented to international audiences, written for major publications, and consulted extensively in the use of advanced technologies and work automation. In 2011, he was a keynote presenter at the Baron Funds Conference. He has been profiled in national print and broadcast media, including CNBC, Fox Business News, Fortune, Forbes, The Boston Globe, The New York Times, Bloomberg Television, Barron's, Reuters, and Investor's Business Daily. Mr. Trefler has also been named the inventor of five issued US patents and several US and international patent applications for Pegasystems' distinctive Inherited Rule-Based Architecture, which provides the framework for Pegasystems' rules-based business process management solutions.
Mr. Trefler's interest in computers originates from collegiate involvement in tournament chess, where he achieved a Master rating and was co-champion of the 1975 World Open Chess Championship. His passion and support for chess and the game's community and current champions continues to this day. Mr. Trefler holds a degree with distinction in economics and computer science from Dartmouth College. He can be reached at