Bartosz Kiepuszewski
Bartosz Kiepuszewski serves as a board advisor for Business Management Software, Poland-based software development company. Dr. Kiepuszewski, who specializes in J2EE architectures, workflow systems, and agile software development, holds a PhD from Queensland University of Technology, where he worked on theoretical foundations for workflow modeling languages. Before joining Business Management Software in 2007, he worked for five years in Australia, first at the Distributed Systems Technology Centre as a research scientist, and later at Mincom Ltd. as a senior J2EE architect. Upon returning to Poland in 2001 he joined Infovide, a polish IT consulting company where he helped to develop and run agile software development and enterprise architecture consulting products. Dr. Kiepuszewski has authored numerous research papers, primarily in the workflow area, and he is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences, seminars, and trade shows.