Kanina Blanchard
Kanina Blanchard is Assistant Professor of General Management and Communications at Ivey Business School, Western University, Canada, where she is also Academic Director for CEMS Alliance. Dr. Blanchard has extensive experience working in international business, the public service, nonprofit, and consulting. With over 35 years’ global experience, she combines practical, dynamic expertise with extensive research and academic credentials, grounding her teaching and consulting in the creation of transformative and sustainable change. Drawing from her expertise in organizational and communication challenges as well as issue, crisis, and change management, her greatest passion is leadership development, education, and coaching. Dr. Blanchard aims to support those seeking to grow and develop their character, competencies, and commitment. As an academic, her focus is on responsible leadership, women in leadership, and supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Dr. Blanchard earned a master‘s degree in critical policy, equity and leadership, and education and a PhD in education and leadership from Western University. She can be reached at kblanchard@ivey.ca.