Leyland Pitt
Leyland F. Pitt is Professor of Marketing, Segal Graduate School of Business, Simon Fraser University (Canada); and Senior Research Fellow, Leeds University Business School (UK). Mr. Pitt has also taught in executive and MBA programs at the University of Chicago's Graham School of Continuing Studies, Columbia University Graduate School of Business, Rotterdam School of Management, and London Business School. His work has been accepted for publication by such journals as Information Systems Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Communications of the ACM, and MIS Quarterly. In 2000, Mr. Pitt was the recipient of the Tamer Cavusgil Award of the American Marketing Association for best article in Journal of International Marketing. In addition, he has won several awards for teaching excellence, including the Dean's Teaching Honor Roll (Simon Fraser University); best MBA Teacher (Copenhagen Business School); Best Professor, Joint Executive MBA (University of Vienna and Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota); Outstanding Marketing Teacher (Academy of Marketing Science); and the TD Canada Trust award for outstanding teachers. Mr. Pitt has also been listed as one of Canada's top MBA professors. He can be reached at lpitt at sfu.ca.