Michael Guttman
Michael Guttman has more than 25 years' expertise designing, developing, and deploying large-scale complex enterprise systems and infrastructures. Previously, he was CTO of Genesis Development Corporation, an enterprise software consulting company that he cofounded in 1992 and later sold to IONA Technologies, PLC. While at Genesis, Mr. Guttman managed the development of SureTrack, a groundbreaking process for transitioning large IT organizations to advanced software technologies.
Mr. Guttman also has been a major contributor to numerous key technology standards, including the Object Management Group's (OMG) CORBA and CORBA Internet InterORB Protocol (IIOP), which has become a protocol of choice for business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and enterprise software. He also has been a contributing editor for Object Magazine, Distributed Object Computing, Java Report, Component Strategies, Application Development Advisor, Application Development Trends, and Software Magazine. Mr. Guttman is the coauthor of two highly regarded books on advanced uses of distributed computing technology: The Object Technology Revolution and Developing E-Business Systems and Architectures: A Manager's Guide.