Pini Cohen

Pini Cohen is a senior research analyst at STKI (SCHWARZKOPF The Knowledge Integrators), formally with association to META Group. His area of expertise is architecture and infrastructure: storage, servers, DBMS, application servers, application integration (EAI), SOA, and developing tools. Prior to joining STKI, Mr. Cohen was a Captain in the Israel Air Force (IAF) computer division. In this position he negotiated with the major computer vendors as well as organized the maintenance of computers in the IAF. He also worked for Electrolux in Stockholm, Sweden. Mr. Cohen has taught information systems and computers at the College of Management in Tel Aviv and at the Touro College in Jerusalem. Mr. Cohen has a BS in computer science with honors from the Technion (Technical Institute of Israel), Haifa, and an MBA from Tel-Aviv University with honors. He wrote a book in 1999, titled Java 2 for Internet Developers, which is published by Hod-Ami Publishing.