Timothy Dion

Timothy J. Dion is CTO at Riverton LLC. He has spent the past 12 years helping Fortune 1000 companies in the financial services, retail, telecommunications, and biotech industries make distributed incompatible systems function as one. A veteran of startups, he provides vision for enterprise architecture integration and the use of advanced technology for solving business problems. He has written and spoken extensively about these subjects in EAI JournalJava Developers Journal, and Journal for Object-Oriented Programming, and has delivered presentations at numerous conferences including The Enterprise Architectures Conference,Enterprise Architect SummitInternet Commerce Expo, and OOPSLA. He is also a founder ofInfoWorld's CTO Forum, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and hopes to publish his first book, The CxO's Guide to Technology, in summer 2004. He can be reached at tdion at riverton.com.