9 | 2005
Compliance Lemons
Corporate governance compliance requirements such as SOX have created a tremendous amount of extra work at great cost for little tangible benefit. Exacerbating the problem is a poor understanding of what SOX and other compliance requirements call for, especially in the way of IT.

Making Compliance Lemonade
SOX and other compliance requirements represent huge opportunities for corporations to improve their internal IT operations as well as controls. Implemented and managed properly, these governance requirements can create long-term competitive advantages and operational cost reductions.
"SOX is only one part of a broader and evergrowing movement by governments and regulatory bodies worldwide to improve corporate governance."
- Robert N. Charette, Guest Editor

Next Issue

M&As: Can IT Make the Difference Between Success and Failure?

Guest Editor: Mike Sisco
With the economy improving, corporate merger and acquisition (M&A) activity is escalating at a frenzied pace. Over the years, we have witnessed the good and the bad when it comes to company acquisition. What is driving these successes and failures, and what role does IT play? Join us next month and learn what happened when one company did -- and didn't -- perform IT due diligence. You'll get advice on creating a framework for M&A technology due diligence, discover best practices for minimizing risk during an acquisition, and learn how to recognize and deal with the tricky "people" issues that can make or break an M&A.

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"It is clear to us that the internal control assessment and audit process has the potential to significantly improve the quality and reliability of financial reporting. At the same time, it is equally clear to us that the first round of internal control audits cost too much," said William J. McDonough, chairman of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. How costly has compliance been? Has adherence to governance mandates significantly improved the quality and reliability of financial reporting and reduced the possibility of corporate fraud? Join us in this issue for an in-depth look at the value, costs, impacts, and implications of compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley, the Turnbull requirements, Basel II, and other governance mandates. You'll learn what the future holds, how IT organizations are complying, whether the traditional model of government intervention works in the age of IT, and more!