12 | 1998

Ed Yourdon

Navigating the Distributed Components Landscape
Paul Harmon

Distributed Object Computing: Spanning the Enterprise and Beyond
David S. Frankel

Practical Strategies for Migrating to CBD
Paul Allen

Microsoft and OMG: Friends or Foes?
Michael Guttman and Jason Matthews

Trusting Mobile Software Agents
Lora L. Kassab and Jeffrey Voas

1998 American Programmer Essay Contest
What Matters In IT?

It's interesting to watch certain technologies evolve from experimentation, to pilot projects carried out by a few pioneering companies, and gradually into mainstream status. We've seen this occur, over the years, with relational database technology, structured methods, CASE technology, and object-oriented technology. Now it appears that distributed, component-based technology is about to achieve mainstream status. We covered the topic in late 1997, and it seems even more solid as we reexamine it this year.