11 | 1998

Ed Yourdon

Java Commerce: Money in the Bank?
Joe Kuriakose and Arthur Coleman

Real-World Java for Business: The IBM SanFrancisco Application Business Components
Paul B. Monday and Anders Nilsson

Advanced Modeling Concepts for Java: Enterprise-Component Models in Color
Peter Coad and Eric Lefebvre

Java Performance in the Real World
Imran Sayeed

Apollo 2000: Commanding the Millennium Transition Zone
Martyn Emery

PC-Based Year 2000 Testing of Mainframe Applications
Don Estes

Java is now an established part of the computing industry, and everyone knows that it's intimately connected to the Internet. But now the Internet is becoming part of the very fabric of industry and society, and companies are seriously embarking upon mission-critical Internet projects whose outcome will affect their competitive strength, if not their very survival. So the obvious question is, is Java ready for this challenge? Is it ready to be used for something more than animated graphics on a Web page? We've gathered several authors to address the question in this issue of the Cutter IT Journal.