1 | 2006

"Since it is private industry that owns and operates the vast majority of what constitutes the Internet, it is therefore industry's responsibility to demonstrate leadership in the fight to secure cyberspace."

- Larry Clinton, Guest Editor
The Government Must Step In to Secure Cyberspace

National security demands a heightened emphasis on corporate information security. Companies that assume that cyber issues are low priority are whistling past their own future graveyard.

Cyber Security Really Is Not an It Problem

Despite the obvious IT aspect of cyber security, it is the business managers, not the technologists, who must do the real heavy lifting to protect the Internet infrastructure and the information it carries.

Next Issue

The Role of Strategy, Planning, and Budgeting in An Agile Organization

Guest Editor: Bob Benson, Tom Bugnitz, and Bill Walton
Not all organizations are in agreement about the critical nature of strategy, planning, and budgeting in an agile business environment. Applying traditional approaches for the sake of meeting objectives oftentimes results in misdirected managerial attention, the stifling of innovation and creativity, and the inability to focus on new priorities. How can strategy, planning, and budgeting processes be redefined to better support agile methods? Join us next month for an inspiring debate replete with best practices and guidelines for meeting the dynamic business objectives of an agile organization.

Global efforts to stem the tide of cybersecurity breaches are an ongoing uphill battle. The annual costs of digital attacks are rising. Join us next month to learn what steps your organization should take to address the daily occurrences of spam, spyware, zombie networks, DOS attacks, online extortion, IP theft, viruses, worms, and physical and cyber data breaches. You’ll receive best practices for investing in cybersecurity, a detailed look at the Build Security in Software Assurance Initiative, a proven approach to enhancing planning for security during implementation and sustainment, and more. Don't miss this timely edition of Cutter IT Journal