Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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Incorporating your customers’ reality into your product development processes via rigorous voice of the customer (VoC) solutions can help your company grow with significant and sustainable margins. In this Advisor, we explore various benefits and challenges of VoC solutions.
By its very nature, digital transformation involves a bimodal process during which an organization must launch changes at two levels: tangible and intangible. Both types of processes could lead to a disruptive transformation. But there is a second set of actions that must occur along with the tangible and intangible changes: (1) linear, organized exploitation processes and (2) chaotic, disruptive exploration processes. This second pair of changes has increased potential to impact an organization’s path to meeting its goals. As we explore in this Executive Update, the Bimodal Management™ model offers a lens that organizations can use to examine the processes and outcomes as they work toward digital transformation.
Without question, complexity is a business inhibitor and slows down the wheels of business. But to be fair, not all business complexity is on IT’s shoulders. However, reducing the complexity instantiated by IT can dramatically improve business agility. And with agility, businesses can create the foundation to win in the digital world. In this Advisor, Myles Suer shares some CIO insights on reducing this business complexity.
In a recent issue of Amplify, Torgeir Dingsøyr and his coauthors presented a teamwork effectiveness model aimed at co-located Agile development teams working on a single product. Since the publication of that issue, Dingsøyr has been asked to present the team effectiveness model to a number of organizations. In this Advisor, he addresses a recurring question from those experiences: how does the team effectiveness model adapt to post-pandemic work?
True strategy execution takes a village. To really succeed, we need to consider the entire process to move an idea into action — from innovation and strategy formulation through the delivery of results. A formalized and cohesive process is necessary to develop strategies, architect changes, plan initiatives, execute solutions, and measure success. It requires integrating many different teams and creating end-to-end transparency and accountability for the results.

What's at the core of shaping culture? You as a leader. Not your external role or title or experience, but what’s inside you. What makes you tick as a leader, and how are you showing up each hour of each day?

This Executive Update explores CIO lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and how we can better prepare for the next crisis.
Cutter Expert Esther Derby, Dave Martin, and Tony Ponton present an interesting comparison between organizations that adapted during the pandemic and those that did not. They also suggest remote governance based on the SEEM model (steering, enabling and enhancing, and making).