Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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As we give in to our “very powerful tendency to anthropomorphize ML and AI, imbuing it with human characteristics,” we set our ML projects up for failure. This Advisor explores the importance of deciding on the question you are trying to answer before you embark on an ML analytics project.
As we explore in this Executive Update, the responsibility for alignment between corporate strategy and business unit innovation and R&D frequently lands with the CTO, who needs the right processes and tools to achieve this. Making the right choice of tools is key to ensuring optimal balance between sector-level autonomy and group-level alignment.
Steve Jobs — tireless tech visionary, innovator extraordinaire, and cofounder of Apple — died on 5 October 2011, when he was just 56. Though 10 years have passed since his untimely death, we’re still very much living in his world. To create our own lasting legacy that is meaningful and benefits the community, what sort of values and practices would we have to embrace? This Advisor shares nine key lessons from Jobs.
Why is the diversity needle not moving? What needs to happen to truly make a systemic change this time, versus the many previous attempts? In this Advisor, we debunk three pervasive myths around the challenges of building more diverse workforces.
Self-direction doesn’t just happen because you adopt Scrum, Kanban, or another Agile variant. Or because you say “Agile” 20 times to your teams. It needs a fertile space to grow. It needs to be watered and fertilized. It needs an honest and open environment. In far too many cases, this is simply not happening. So, what are the elements of self-directed space? This Advisor explores five that come to mind.

Nearly all software projects are premised on understanding user needs and requirements. In our experience with clients, we typically address this phase by working with prospective users to develop use cases. What are some common use cases? Well, it depends on the company, but we’ve seen use cases primarily fall into four categories for early-stage, toe-in-the-water AI compared to full-scale ML efforts:

  1. Market and consumer intelligence

  2. Sales and marketing

  3. Pricing and optimization

  4. Customer care

It is through this issue of Cutter Business Technology Journal (CBTJ) that we hope to remind CEOs of the challenges that remain unaddressed and out of balance. The authors speak from personal experiences, exten­sive research, and a deep desire to contribute toward changing the DEI narrative. They share proven best practices and procedural changes that must be followed so that this time, the outcomes of CEOs’ commitments will look different, and those impacted will finally be able to have more equitable work and life experiences.
Get a C-suite perspective on why so many tech projects fail, find out why companies who don't adapt to the quantum era may be doing business on an abacus — in this week's edition of The Cutter Edge!