Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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What’s happening when we’re reaching the right customers and meeting their strategic needs? That question is the opening gambit in an interesting kind of strategy review. In this Executive Update, we offer the design of two types of reviews — the OI-SR and OI-SDR — which together bring alignment and experiment­ation into prominence.
This article moves us up the healthcare value chain by highlighting the impact that COVID-19 has had on clinical trials. Cutter Consortium Senior Consultant Ben van der Schaaf and Pan Xi describe the current state of mHealth along with technology innovations that forward-looking R&D leaders in pharmaceuticals are deploying. Knowing that the current shift will not be temporary, the authors urge healthcare organizations “to adapt and be in the right place at the right time … to prepare for this imminent change.”
Heléne Spjuth examines the economics of mHealth and the resulting challenges and opportunities for all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem. In defining the healthcare ecosystem and its various reimbursement models, she shows the “unique circumstances that will serve either as barriers to, or enablers of, mHealth’s efficient implementation.”
The process of residual analysis tests and proves (or disproves) the ability of the system to meet stressors for which it has not been designed. For those obvious stressors normally not included in a risk assessment, the process provides a method for analyzing how these stressors react when they occur in chains and eventually gives a sense of how the system behaves when exposed to stress in general.
Unfortunately, for many decision makers in gov­ernment and industry today, practicing robust risk management is still seen within their organizations’ social context as providing little if any positive upside, but instead possessing potentially large downside conse­quences for them personally and professionally. Many decision makers skeptically view rigorous risk analysis as akin to future blame analysis for something that might go wrong rather than a way to increase career or organization success. Changing this perception is difficult but not impossible.
Levie Hofstee, cofounder of Neurocast, describes advancements made by his company. Neurocast is a later-stage startup gaining traction in using mHealth to provide real-world data on patients suffering from chronic disease, such as multiple sclerosis, both to aid new discoveries and to support 24/7 data collection during clinical trials.
Customer journey insight allows businesses to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, retain customers, and increase sales. In this Advisor, we make the case for stronger customer involvement, clearer governance, quantification of value, and a sharper focus, as we find these elements are the four main reasons implemen­tations of customer journeys fail.
In this edition of the Cutter Edge, you'll explore a five-stage strategy execution scenario and the role of business architecture within each stage; how fast feedback processes, measurable outcomes, and empowerment can help businesses improve the quality and efficiency of their work; how shifting to IT development production lines can enhance software delivery, and more.