Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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Vendors are now offering IT solutions designed specifically to help businesses enforce social distancing practices and support automated contact tracing in the workplace.
Today’s corporate world requires companies to look for a clear purpose for their business ventures, beyond solely maximizing profits. This purpose — or the why — is essential for future success in an ever-changing, increasingly digital business environment. As this Executive Update highlights, today’s companies must not only convince their customers of their offerings, but they also must convey opportunities to their investors and company strategy to their employees through the flywheel concept.

The COVID-19 outbreak is impacting all businesses globally. It’s impacting staff, contractors, and staffing levels; it’s impacting the supply chain; and it’s impacting processes. Despite companies having crisis management and business continuity plans, current decision-making tools and dashboards are not adequate for dealing with COVID-19-related decision-making given the geographic scale of the disruption. Established risk management methodologies and approaches tend to be static in nature and lead to models that are backward-looking.

This Executive Update explores opportunities for strategy execution, the role of business architecture and the resulting benefits, collaboration with other teams, and some steps we can take to move into action.
The introduction of Agile practices changed how product development was organized, managed, and executed with the objectives of enhancing customer satisfaction, improving customer/market responsiveness and developer morale, and cutting out impediments to delivery. Indeed, “Agile” has been clearly popularized in much of the product development world. But strong and steady signals are emerging that those objectives are not being met. What happened?
With the dawn of the 21st century, we have begun to observe a more inclusive digital shift in value creation, with the transformation of business as well as societal systems due to an emerging phenomenon: a new computing paradigm that has introduced myriad Web and mobile-based applications aiming to fulfill society’s primary and secondary human needs. None­theless, many attempts to develop social computing applications to facilitate value creation have failed. We have created a human needs fulfillment (HNF) model that enables an optimum fulfillment of human needs, resulting in value creation.
Most of us will have some intuitive criteria for judging what data is valuable. These intuitive criteria may be good enough for simple and familiar operations, but when we start to address more complex and dynamic ones, we need a more systematic method for assigning value to data. In this Executive Update, we look at some of the challenges of putting a monetary or nonmonetary value on your data assets.
In this on-demand recording of part 1 of this webinar series, you'll discover why you need to consider AI and ML approaches to risk management and learn from the case study of a pharma organization that used AI/ML-based risk models to determine exactly when to restart its clinical trials during the Coronavirus pandemic.