Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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The job of the IT strategy isn’t to align to the business strategy. It’s to give the business people who create it as many options to change tack as possible. It’s a provider of IT capability in support of strategic business capabilities. Supporting, enabling, and aligning with core business capabilities equals competitive advantage when the business strategy is a good one.
Rapid and unprecedented changes to the unemployment laws have created both a tidal wave of transactions that need to be processed, and significant changes to the programmed business processes that execute those transactions. Those business processes are entombed in old COBOL code on old mainframe systems. People are starting to panic about needing COBOL programmers. Yes, but.…
In this Advisor, Rich Huebner shares some of his thoughts about how the COVID-19 pandemic is going to fundamentally change the education industry, in particular, and offers some lessons learned for other industries as well.
Enterprises must move away from the old model of centralized decision making to a model of public self-governance. Away from monarchy and toward democracy, giving teams the knowledge and authority to make decisions in the open.
In a broad Arthur D. Little (ADL) study, we interviewed 30+ industry and technology experts along the automotive value chain (i.e., OEMs, suppliers, distributors, and end customers) in Europe, North America, and Asia. This Executive Update highlights the biggest challenges, barriers, and implications for vehicle design and the industry’s business models.
In Part X of this Executive Update series on customer experience (CX) management in the enterprise, we examine survey findings pertaining to how organizations view their CX efforts to date.
As of this writing, we have no firm idea of the human and economic toll to expect from the COVID-19 pandemic or how long painful countermeasures will be necessary. A crisis? For sure. Let’s not waste it; let’s learn from it. Our forced adaptation to a totally unfamiliar world can and should cause us to critically examine assumptions about how we live and work and conduct business. There is a broad spectrum of possibilities, but this Advisor focuses on where IT plays a major role.

For this Advisor, we analyzed reports from around the globe to point to dramatic changes in how leaders are making decisions to respond to the crisis of COVID-19. We expect that some of these changes are likely to become part of the “next normal” for decision making in complex environments.