Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

Design for the Future: Security, Safety, and Resilience Are Key for Smart Automation

Aravind Ajad Yarra

While standard security practices still apply for automation initiatives, there are specific security practices to keep in mind for automation design.

Better CX Via Customer Journey Mapping Tools and Service Blueprints

Curt Hall

Two major challenges hindering organizations from successfully implementing their customer experience (CX) management initiatives include difficulty defining and mapping just what the customer journey/experience should be and an inability to provide a seamless CX across their different channels. To tackle these issues, organizations are adopting customer journey mapping tools and service blueprints — two different but complementary practices.

The Future of API Platforms and How to Get There

James Higginbotham

APIs have moved beyond system-to-system integration and utility. They have now expanded to focus on solving problems for customers, the workforce, and suppliers/partners. So how do enterprises begin to evolve their API platform?

Who’s in Charge Here? The Rising Role of the Chief Customer Officer

Curt Hall

We are increasingly hearing about the role of the CCO — the chief customer officer — who has the authority to ensure that the organization provides a unified and seamless customer journey/experience across all customer channels and guides the adoption and dissemination of CX practices and technologies. But just how standard is the role of the CCO among organizations?

Digital Architecture: The Spark for Transformation — An Introduction

Gar Mac Críosta

No matter where you are in your journey or what your stance is on digital architecture (is it real or just story?), this issue of CBTJ will challenge your worldview and challenge each of us “to work as the scientist rather than the consumer of the scientist’s work,” building and testing our own theories in the laboratory of our own experience.

Strategies to Meet the Challenges of Dissent

Barry M O'Reilly

Complex technology projects require a pushback against biases, oversimplifications, and the need for certainty that will inform many proposed solu­tions. The role of dissent is to harden and strengthen these proposals and to identify the right course of action among them.

A Step Toward Deep AI

Lynne Ellyn

What is the new new thing in artificial intelligence (AI)? What new methods or approaches have been invented? Based on my research, it appears that the real news in AI is processing: advances in computer speed, more solid-state technology, small embedded neural networks, and multilayer neural networks. So what does it all mean?

Some Best Practices to Help Organizations Implement AI Initiatives

Pavankumar Mulgund, Sam Marrazzo

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more visible as a corporate strategic tool, organizations will have to incorporate issues surrounding AI as part of corporate strategy. In this Advisor, the authors examine some best practices for the successful implementation of AI initiatives.

The Key Is to Build Trust in AI from the Start

Weiyu Wang, Keng Siau

In this Advisor, the authors examine prevailing concepts of trust in the context of AI applications and human-computer interaction. They emphasize that trust building is a dynamic proc­ess and outline how to build initial trust in AI systems.

Information Is a Team Sport

Vince Kellen

Data democratization means providing equal access to everyone — level­ing the playing field between parts of the organization so that all parties can get access to the data. Data democratization is also a recognition that today’s economy is truly an information one, filled with information workers — and information workers need information.

Architecture’s Trajectory: Entanglement, Anchoring, and Purpose

Balaji Prasad

This Advisor is a call to pause — to ponder where architecture has been and where it is and to provide a framework within which to do that.

Show Some Emotion — The Rise of Emotion Recognition Systems

Curt Hall

Emotion recognition is an evolving technology that is still in the very earliest stages of enterprise adoption. However, commercial providers now offer platforms and services utilizing emotion recognition, and we are seeing end-user organizations express growing interest in using the technology.

Ensure Your Organizational Capabilities Around Big Data

Bhuvan Unhelkar

This Advisor describes what an organization needs to develop and implement the organizational skills and capabilities associated with big data.

3 Tips for a Team to Thrive in the New Digital World

Paul Pagel

To incorporate a software delivery capability, your team should thrive on adopting new technology, practices, and processes. There are three primary ways companies can do this effectively, as we explore in this Advisor.

Orgs Interested in Personalization and Omnichannel Hubs/Marketing Tools

Curt Hall

Organizations are interested in adopting several technologies to support their customer experience initiatives. This Advisor considers two specific areas: personalization and omnichannel customer engagement and marketing platforms.

Architectural Changes Through Time

Miklós Jánoska

Similar to the semantics of user stories, which always express change, it is beneficial to describe architecture as a series of changes — structural changes through time. The smaller the gap between the architecture representation of the architecture and its realization, both in expressiveness and timing, the more relevant the architectural changes.

The Challenges of Working with AI

David Biros, Madhav Sharma, Jacob Biros

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has vulnerabilities that can create serious consequences for lives and property. In this Advisor, we investigate AI’s vulnerabilities, examining where problems can occur in development and application.


Solving the Problem: Social Cognition and Emotion in Projects

Vince Kellen

In this Advisor, we discuss the social and emotional cognitive aspects of proj­ects.

Don’t Underestimate the Dangers of AI

Lynne Ellyn

While the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) are incredibly useful and offer business and government the opportunity to solve knotty problems, a common question is, “Does this capability pose threats to humans?” Are the sci-fi scenarios of malevolent robots or killer software pro­grams a real concern?

Implementing Continuous Integration and Testing Concepts with Agile

Donald Reifer

In order to implement continuous integration and testing concepts, consider the seven Agile approaches presented in this Advisor.

Business Processes in Smart Automation

Aravind Ajad Yarra

The emerging nature of smart automation technologies requires a holistic architecture-centric design. The business must address design considerations such as trust, transparency, security, and bias to create successful smart automation. In this Advisor, we explore efficiency and continuous learning considerations as well as compliance issues associated with the use of smart automation technologies.

Thoughts on AI’s Potential for Social and Economic Disruption

Curt Hall

The ultimate success of artificial intelligence (AI) will depend on how well society is prepared for its widespread application. This, of course, raises a slew of social, economic, legal, privacy, and ethical issues and challenges that must be seriously studied and addressed.

Mastering Sustainable Software Evolution

Joost Visser

Sustainability means bringing new functionality to the market while keeping your underlying software assets healthy and nimble. To achieve such balance requires a form of data-driven design and decision making that balances commercial and technical con­siderations. In this Advisor, we review what is needed in terms of data, design, and decisions.

How Should Leaders Adapt to the Next Frontiers in Software?

Sunil Mithas, Kaushik Dutta, San Murugesan

In this Advisor, we discuss several steps senior leaders and managers need to take to avoid the curse of ignoring the need for transformation that afflicted incumbents like Borders and Blockbuster.

The Dual Foundation of the Cognitive Enterprise

William Ulrich

Cognitive computing provides the underlying “engine” that, when coupled with the business knowledgebase, serves as the technology enabler behind the evolution of the cognitive enterprise.