Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

IoT Data Management

Donald Wynn, Renee Pratt

As with other data-intensive technologies, collecting and analyzing data from Internet of Things (IoT) deployments requires sound data management strategies and tactics. Col­lecting and analyzing this data can be generalized to include three distinct processes: (1) data collection and storage, (2) data integration, and (3) data analysis (see Figure 1). In this Advisor, we examine each of these processes.

Agility as Value: The Strategic Adoption of Big Data

Bhuvan Unhelkar

Extracting business agility from a big data strategy requires an all-encompassing, holistic approach to the technology, the analytics, and all other aspects of an organization.

Timing Is Everything: Accruing Transitional Capital for Transformation

Richard Watson, Elena Karahanna

Effective CIOs must demonstrate both operational and strategic leadership. Although it is unclear how and when CIOs make the transition from operational to strategic leadership, we argue that the transition depends on the accumulation of transitional capital. Timing and sequencing of CIO actions are critical to the accumulation of this transitional capital. Thus, strategic CIO leadership is earned and is contingent upon actions of the CIO in building operational excellence and social capital, sequencing and kairotic timing of these actions to accumulate transitional capital, and achieving acceptance by the top management team.

Taking the Lead with Major Incident Management

Aluru Chandra

What is the role of a Major Incident Manager (MIM)? Should he or she be technically skilled or business savvy or process oriented? This Advisor suggests some core competencies for MIMs. 

A Short Intro to Design Thinking

Caroline Heerema

A remarkable variety of process models for design thinking exists, with differences in the amount of phases, visual representations of the process, and terminology used. The various institutions and consultants that use and teach the method each have their own way of presenting it. Furthermore, many companies that implement design thinking devise their own process to fit their specific situation. Despite their apparent differences, most of the process models are very similar when it comes to their activities and tools.

Blockchain Design and Development Trends — In-House or Outside Experts?

Curt Hall

Based on budgeting plans revealed in our survey that asked 103 organizations about their efforts to utilize blockchain technology, 2018 could prove a breakout year for organizations getting their blockchain initiatives underway.

Taking a Holistic Approach to Insurtech Engagement

Deepika Shah, Rajesh Vishwanathan

Insurtechs are not going away, so it is essential for incumbents to strategize and leverage the insurtechs to address those areas considered important by customers and where the insurtechs add significant value (e.g., advanced analytics, enhanced customer experience). At the same time, it is critical that small and medium-sized insurance companies ensure that any investments made will deliver expected results and de-risk themselves to the desired extent. To achieve these goals, the incumbents need to develop a clear strategy to guide their engagement with insurtechs, beginning with a holistic approach.

Why Innovate Using Disruptive Technologies?

Lekshmy Sasidharan

Though innovation and disruptive technologies are mentioned as key themes for most organizations, many times the focus seems to divert to incremental improvements rather than preparing for major breakthroughs that could disrupt and add value to the market, economy, customers, and industry.

Benefits of CX Design and Business Architecture Collaboration

Whynde Kuehn

The emergence of CX design as a key discipline practiced by many organizations has opened up some questions about how it relates to business architecture.

EA and the IoT

Charles Butler, Stephen Hayne

Enterprise architecture aligns technology architecture capabilities with business architecture processes and services. Historically, this alignment embraced monolithic structures, including operational systems and data warehouses supported by relational databases and flat files. With today’s Internet of Things (IoT) and all the connected devices it involves, solution design offers new opportunities, even though designs can be more challenging.

“Payer” to “Player”: The Transformation for Connected Health

Andrea Silvello

Connected insurance (from wearables usage to mobile health appli­cations) presents great potential for both the insurer and the insured. Such potential should be harnessed in a profitable way by targeting less risky clients and presenting them with an improved, better-priced value proposition. For this to happen, insurance companies will have to seek partners from both the technological innovation sphere and the medical field, keeping in mind that insurance’s role in the health system is changing from payer to player.

5 Guidelines for Managing Technical Debt

Richard Brenner

Many long-standing problems like technical debt owe their longevity to two factors — not dealing effectively with their causes and not dealing effectively with their resilience. Because what limits our ability to deal with technical debt might not be technical, it is useful to explore possible psychological and political sources of the longevity of the technical debt problem. This Advisor takes a close look at five problem areas and suggests the ­outlines of a program for managing technical debt.

Approaching Transformation in the Digital Age

Evangelos Vayias, Ioannis Konstantinidis

In this Advisor, we present the approach taken to set a roadmap for the journey of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE), the incumbent telecom operator in Greece, toward digital transformation.

Insurtech: Reinventing the Insurance Industry — An Introduction

Steve Andriole

This issue of Cutter Business Technology Journal (CBTJ) takes a wide look at insurtech. It looks at trends and opportu­nities and offers a suite of solutions — from several perspectives — about how to leverage emerging technologies in insurance models and processes.

Packing EA for the Digital Business and IT Transformation Journey

Seema Jain, Vipin Jain

We believe that having a successful, well-connected, and respected enterprise architecture (EA) group with experienced enterprise architects is critically important in an organization’s effort to become a successful digital business. EA provides an approach for understanding and managing the complexity of digital transformation.

Blockchain As a Potential Industry Disruptor

Curt Hall

How do end-user organizations feel about the potential for blockchain to disrupt their industries and lines of business? A Cutter Consortium survey that asked 103 organizations about their efforts to utilize blockchain technology helps provide some insight into this question.

Taking a Holistic Approach to Building Agile Organizations

Jesse Fewell

Today’s leaders are racing to reconfigure their organi­zations to be more adaptive and competitive. However, when looking for guidance on how to do that, they will discover two competing schools of thought in the Agile community: “First fix the culture” and “First fix the org structure.” In reality, this debate between a culture-first or structure-first strategy is misguided. Leaders need to encourage a conversation that incorporates both perspectives. Through this two-sided conversation, they can guide an organizational transition that is both meaningful and sustainable.

Leveraging (and Protecting) Diversity of the Crowd

Jack Smith, Joseph Feller, Rob Gleasure, Philip O'Reilly, Jerry Cristoforo, Li Shanping

In this Advisor, we report on research carried out at the State Street/University College Cork Advanced Technology Centre in Cork, Ireland. The challenge we address in our work is how to leverage and nurture the diversity of the crowd while still ensuring the crowd behaves in a safe, responsible, and informed manner.

Challenges to Early Adoption of Disruptive Technologies

Lekshmy Sasidharan

There are several key challenges that prevent companies from pursuing innovation effectively by using emerging and disruptive technology trends. In this Advisor, we explore these challenges and offer some key strategic questions for innovation planning.

Making a Connection with Conceptual Reference Models

Cory Casanave

In this Advisor, we discuss the conceptual reference model, which provides the foundation needed for any “connection” architecture, capability, or project. A conceptual reference model defines the terms and concepts used by the enterprise and the communities in which the enterprise operates. It is referenced by other strategic, operational, and architectural assets as a way to federate and pivot between different processes, communities, schemas, and systems without coupling them together.

The EPA Digital Transformation Roadmap

Trevor Clohessy, Tom Acton

This Advisor examines the way the data collected over the IIoT ecosystem of interconnected humans and machines can be collected, managed, and exploited. The authors focus particularly on a concept they call "enterprise personal analytics" (EPA) and provide a digital transformation roadmap companies can use to adopt EPA.

Up and Up: Scaling Innovation Continuously

Bhardwaj Velamakanni, Ajit Rathore

This Advisor provides a framework for scaling up innovation so that new ideas are not presented by just one team or segment of the organization, they are accumulated from every nook and corner. 

Taking a Strategic Approach to Fostering and Managing Innovation

Bhuvan Unhelkar, Alok Sharma

Businesses judge innovation in terms of the value it provides in either handling existing problems or tapping into new opportunities. A frameork such as BDFAB is most helpful in channeling an organization’s innovation efforts.

First Step to Grow Your EA: Measure Your Maturity

Avinash Malik

Analyzing your own team’s maturity is often difficult. It is tempting to inflate one’s team skills and capabilities in multiple areas. Therefore, before you conclude that you know the stage of your program, I urge you to measure conservatively.

Cross-Mapping CX Design and Business Architecture

Whynde Kuehn

The customer experience (CX) design and business architecture (BA) teams receive mutual benefit from working with each other. There can and should be a direct relationship (or “cross-mapping”) made between the artifacts produced by the CX design and BA teams. One of the most common and beneficial approaches is to cross-map customer journeys (at the phase level) to value streams and capabilities.