Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

Blockchain and the Provenance of Parts

Curt Hall

Companies across various industries — including manufacturing, medical, electronics, defense, construction, and retail (among others) — are investigating the potential for applying blockchain technology for proving the provenance of parts and materials used in assembling products or building new structures.

Crafting a Risk Mitigation Strategy for the IIoT

Anjali Kaushik, Kanishk Gaur

The IIoT risk is real. A strategy to manage this risk is a must, and the components discussed in this Advisor can help.

The Inside-Out PMO

Thomas Perry

Being in a project management office (PMO) is tough. In many ways it feels like the ultimate corporate middle man role. What we are really trying to do is fundamentally change the role of the PMO. At the end of the day, perhaps even the name of the role will be altered: from PMO to Change Agents.

Start It Up: Driving Digital Transformation with EA in a Startup Culture

Kaine Ugwu

There are no silver bullets to adopting an enterprise architecture in your startup, but the aim is to enable your culture to accept it so as to drive the organization’s digital transformation.

Business Leadership in Data Science

Bhuvan Unhelkar

Data science is essential in extracting value from big data but it is not sufficient. It makes use of technical, management, and business analysis skills. Data science also deals with the enterprise architecture of the organization. Astute leadership is essential and an imperative for value extraction from big data.

Growing Up: A Maturity Framework for Today's IoT

Renee Pratt, Donald Wynn

In this Advisor, we propose a maturity framework that addresses the data management challenges for organizations seeking to develop and deploy IoT platforms.

The Digital Business and IT Transformation Journey: 3 Emerging Trends

Seema Jain, Vipin Jain

Effective digital IT strategies and successful execution of long- and short-term plans enable organizations to realize the goals of digital business strategies and provide guidance to enterprise architecture.

Disruption Calls for Innovation: Accelerate Agile

Jan Paul Fillie, Hans Boer

Discover how pilot projects for digital innovations can benefit from adopting an Agile development approach. 

Business Architecture: Delivering Business Ecosystem Transparency

William Ulrich

Business architecture provides the transparency needed to proactively avoid crises through risk and compliance management — and to respond in kind when crises do arise.

Agile Leadership: Foundation for Organizational Agility — An Introduction

Don MacIntyre

Based on the demand for Agile skills in the workplace, it is quite clear that leaders across the globe are coming to rely more and more on Agile principles and practices to achieve their goals. What makes some of these leaders successful with their Agile adoptions while other leaders seem to struggle?

Blockchain in Insurance

Curt Hall

Blockchain is expected to see considerable application in insurance, including for claims management and processing; P2P insurance; managing policy, documentation, and other insurance information; automating sales and underwriting; and for supporting compliance efforts.

Investing in the Crowd

Jack Smith, Joseph Feller, Rob Gleasure, Philip O'Reilly, Jerry Cristoforo, Li Shanping

Peer-to-peer financing in the form of crowdfunding is increasingly filling a funding gap for companies that are unable to obtain traditional financing or are too early in their lifecycle to attract angel investors and venture capitalists.

Software Risk and Who's Responsible for It

Peter Kaminski

Driving business risk down is just smart business. Software-related business risk is an increasing portion of business risk, so knowing how to assiduously reduce software risk has become part and parcel of today’s business reality.

Options for Architecting Our Digital Futures

Roger Evernden

For an enterprise architect, the key point is to understand digital disruption as well as you can and plan the best possible response given this understanding.

The Tortoise and the Hare: Using Fast and Slow Thinking

Murray Cantor, John Heintz, Steven Sherman

People, on their own, are generally not good at using both fast and slow thinking, which is why quantitative analysts exist and use lots of tools.

IIoT’s Value Proposition for Biopharma — A Case Study

Lukasz Paciorkowski

In this Advisor, I offer a real-world example of a company that is investing in the Industrial IoT (IIoT), taken from an ongoing project in a global life science–biopharma organization.

Robotic Process Automation: The 4 Critical Stages of Implementation

Prashant Chaudhary

Implementing robotic process automation (RPA) in any organization is itself a process with defined steps. In this Advisor, we discuss the critical junctures required to achieve process automation implementation in any organization.

Mark My Words: The Technical Debt Metaphor and Language Problem

Rick Brenner

Many long-standing problems like technical debt owe their longevity to two factors — not dealing effectively with their causes and not dealing effectively with their resilience. Because what limits our ability to deal with technical debt might be not be technical, it is useful to explore possible psychological sources of the longevity of the technical debt problem, including the language we use to describe it.

Architecting Between Certainty and Uncertainty

Balaji Prasad

This Advisor considers the decision-making challenges faced by architects within complex enterprises and in the face of many kinds of uncertainties, as well as a way to think about how to design in the real-world gray area that lies between certainty and uncertainty.

Around the Blockchain in Finance and Accounting

Curt Hall

Blockchain has a number of applications in finance and accounting, including for facilitating triple-entry accounting, ensuring data integrity, automated auditing, and streamlining money transfers and payments.

Jump These Hurdles to Achieve Agility and Deliver Business Value

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy

I strongly believe that adopting a particular methodology is not the answer to achieving agility. Rather, organizations need to fix their internal structure and the way they operate. In this Advisor, I will discuss the challenges hindering agility and also the bottlenecks that prevent organizations from delivering business value. I focus on six phenomena that make any organization rigid.

The End of the Minimum Hour Tax: AWS Launches Per-Second Billing

Steve Chambers

How do you want your billing? Per hour? Per second? Per millisecond? Amazon Web Services (AWS) now has them all.

Enterprise Architecture and Planning

Seema Jain, Vipin Jain

EA can be an effective tool for addressing digital and IT transformation in businesses of any size, as long as they are not rigid about their approach and do not try using a big hammer where thumb pressure will work.

The Industrial Internet: Driving Digital Transformation — An Introduction

Charalampos Patrikakis, Jose Barbosa

We’re in the very beginning of a revolution dubbed the "Internet of Things," which enables us to propose and develop solutions for interacting with everything connected to the global Internet. Today, it’s the time for everything, rather than everyone, to get connected.

The Quest for Real Customer Centricity

Richard Veryard

In this Advisor, I look at three stages of information superiority, with increasing levels of customer centricity.