Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

Blockchain for Supply Chain and Logistics

Curt Hall

Supply chain/logistics meet most of the criteria required for a domain or application area when it comes to suitability for applying blockchain technology.

Before You Go — RPA Post-Implementation Analysis

Prashant Chaudhary

Analysis is, in general, a critical part of every project. Most commonly, however, that analysis is conducted at the beginning of a project. In this article, we explore the benefits of the post-implementation analysis of bots/robotics process automation (RPA) flow.

Reality Is Not Just an Illusion: Use a Reality-Based Plan

Jo Ellen Moore

The philosophy is simple: always seek reality. A reality-based plan and reality-based status reports are vital to optimizing performance in your organization.

Discovering the Wheel: Cultivating Effective Leadership in IT

David Caruso, Kerry Gentry

Especially in the case of leadership, it is important to understand that the capabilities and behavior that separate effective from ineffective or good from bad are universal, becoming IT-centric only at the rather superficial level of situational knowledge.

Different Strokes for Different Folks: Perspectives on Business Process Management

Ian Gotts

Confused and confusing conversations centered on “process” occur frequently at organizations large and small, with process efficiency, process governance, and process adoption all suffering as a result. It’s vital, therefore, to take the time to understand the root cause of the confusion and help people grasp the needs and perspectives of the other stakeholder groups.

Emerging Digital Business Opportunities and Value

Vipin Jain

Sooner or later, all industries will be impacted by digital disruption.

When Push Comes to Shove: Managing the 3 Stages of Change

Moshe Cohen

Change is a fact of life and has many benefits, but it is hardly ever easy and brings huge stress. How you manage the change process can determine not only the ultimate success of the change effort, but also the health of your organization during and after the change.

Lean Thinking: The Blurring of Physical and Knowledge Work

Daniel Jones, Steve Bell

What do Amazon, GE, Capital One, and Starbucks have in common? They and many others use Lean Thinking and practices to engage their employees in streamlining the work processes that create value for their customers.

It Takes a Village: Collaborative, Community-Based Process Ownership

Mike Gammage

Success can be achieved by groups of highly talented individuals — heroics in action — but only in certain situations for limited periods of time. This is not repeatable or sustainable. Striving for the goal of sustainable improvement requires a more structured approach supported by technology. This can enable teams of “mere mortals” to perform and feel like superstars.

Restarting a Stalled Project

Brad Egeland

Restarting a project that has been stalled, cancelled, or put on hold for whatever reason, can be very positive. But it is definitely not without great challenges. Often, the project manager asked to restart the engagement is not the same one who ended its previous iteration. It’s worth noting that restarts are just as likely, if not more likely, to fail than the original engagement.

A Walk Around the Block: Blockchain for Digital Marketing

Curt Hall

At a recent Cutter webinar, an attendee asked how blockchain is being implemented in the digital marketing space and how the technology's inherent transparency and security capabilities can benefit digital marketing and advertising in general. Since we are seeing considerable interest in the subject, I examine it in this week's Advisor.

The Human Flaws of Technical Debt

Jonathon Golden

In this Advisor, I describe the fundamental human causes of the growth of technical debt.

The Wit and Wisdom of Crowdfunding

Jack Smith, Joseph Feller, Rob Gleasure, Philip O'Reilly, Jerry Cristoforo, Li Shanping

This article focuses on equity-based crowdfunding, or crowd investing, which has become a promising instrument to help overcome SME liquidity issues, referred to as the early-stage equity gap. The equity gap greatly reduces the success of smaller firms, and equity-based crowdfunding is a potential solution for reducing this gap because it removes barriers to equity.

Putting People First

Bob Furniss

Successful organizations know that no matter how good the technology, it is the people who make it work. When people come first, customers win.

Gaining Business Buy-In Using BA and the IT Services Catalog

Ram Reddy

For the most part, the IT function is technically capable of designing and implementing solutions that remediate technology debt (TD). The challenge lies in obtaining non-IT executive sponsorship and funding for TD projects.

Organized for Blockchain Technology

Paul Harmon

If your organization is interested in exploring the nature and uses of blockchain technology, joining with others who are similarly inclined might prove a valuable way to get up to speed quickly.

Make the Right Strategic Choices for Digital Transformation

Borys Stokalski, Bogumil Kaminski

Digital transformation is a journey of creating and combining specific business capabilities so that they give organizations a competitive advantage in the digital excellence domains in a way that reflects their chosen mix of strategic options. This journey is shaped also by the availability of critical resources — data, analytical skills, technology proficiency. It is very often seriously affected by the state of business and IT architecture, the style of integration, and data quality. It seems wise to focus on domains of excellence where the resources are available or can be relatively easily developed or acquired.

Agile: Laying Waste to Waste

John Sweitzer, Christine Draper

A passion for eliminating waste is one of the ingredients that bonds the members of an Agile software development team.

Redesigning Architecture Governance: A Case Study

Mohan Babu K

Among my first tasks after joining the enterprise architecture (EA) team at a multinational chemical company was to redefine the architecture review board (ARB), a need that was triggered by digital transformation and a review of our enterprise architecture program.

Measuring Business Architecture Success

Whynde Kuehn

Quantifying the results of business architecture certainly has its challenges, but there are creative ways to do so, even with limited resources. This Advisor describes the benefits and challenges of measuring business architecture success and provides some practical approaches that can be used to accomplish this very important activity.

Blockchain for Customer Loyalty Rewards Programs

Curt Hall

Loyalty rewards programs are considered one of the most effective means for companies to attract and retain customers, and for increasing customer satisfaction and experience overall. Blockchain initially looks promising for shaking up the loyalty rewards program industry, and a number of companies are working on solutions to try and make this happen. 

Business Opportunities from Emerging, Disruptive “Life Events” Technologies

David Wortley

Developments in the technologies we use to share and recall life events are likely to create an explosion of business opportunities within the next one to three years.

A Case for Relationship-Centered IT Governance

Laurence Lock Lee

The IT governance task can no longer be seen solely as a compliance activity. As organizational structures become flatter, and interfirm partnerships become more commonplace, the onus is moving more toward a cooperative approach to IT governance. In this Advisor, we look at using a relationship-centered approach to a common IT governance situation in an IT outsourcing relationship.

Run, Build, Transform: Examining Your Business Risk

Peter Kaminski

Your company likely has a portfolio of existing systems, systems currently under construction, as well as future plans, including requirements to move in new directions to keep up with or surpass competitors. Software risk and its mitigation work differently for each project lifecycle bucket, so it’s worth examining how we might analyze risks and opportunities for each type.

Innovating the (Architectural) Innovators

Balaji Prasad

Can you afford not to see significant architectural changes occurring in and around your industry? Perhaps changes in other industries may also stimulate thinking along different lines? Do you have people who think about architectural changes and dominant designs? Does your organization cultivate such people and enable them? These are important questions when the ground underneath shifts rapidly, but maybe the most important questions in this Advisor are: Do you know, or do you really know? And, do you have the ability to know the difference enough to act upon it?