Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

Taking Accountability for Technical Debt

Richard Brenner

Who is accountable? Nearly anyone who makes or contributes to decisions might occasionally bear some responsibility for incurring new technical debt.

The Mystery of Use Cases for Enterprise Blockchain Adoption

Curt Hall

Upper management is starting to take a real interest in blockchain technology, and they are asking their technology and innovation people, “Hey, what can we do with this?”

Improving Flow with Lean Leadership Practices

Steve Bell, Karen Whitley Bell

One individual must align the value stream to enterprise strategy and orchestrate the activities within each value stream with a complete end-to-end perspective, engaging consumers and keeping their value clearly in view. In this way, everyone engaged in the value stream shares a common purpose and can quickly spot obstacles to flow, so that they can prioritize and continuously improve together as one.

In the Driver's Seat of Digital Business

Vipin Jain

Leading companies recognize that digital disruption presents multiple growth opportunities, including delighting their customers with convenience and personalization, leveraging the wealth of data trails from digital activity to get even closer to the customer, and using technology to operate faster and better.

Bring It: Adding Organizational Value with EA

Brian Cameron

How do global commercial, government, and nonprofit organizations successfully use enterprise architecture to adapt to the ever-increasing demand for change?

Bridging BA and EA for Strategic Relevance

Avinash Malik

For your EA program to “climb the ladder” to strategic relevance, one of the most important investments is in an integrated business architecture practice.

Digging for Artifacts: 3 Principles for Following the Digital Trace

Stefan Henningsson, Christian Ohrgaard

With constantly faster innovation cycles, turning digital artifacts into digital capital for better understanding of internal and external innovation performance is critical. To seize these chances, managers should rely on three key principles.

Looking for Value: Building Business Relationships with Corporate Social Capital

Laurence Lock Lee

How can we improve how we govern our IT investments through a better understanding of the business relationships that it encompasses?

6 Expectations of Collaborative Leaders

David Spann

Start with acknowledging how much your beliefs affect your leadership behavior and then continually work on what it takes to bring those beliefs into practice.

The Frontier of Fintech Innovation — An Introduction

Philip O'Reilly

It’s a pleasure for me to introduce the first of two special issues of Cutter Business Technology Journal (CBTJ) showcasing the thought leadership and cutting-edge research and development (R&D) being done in State Street Corporation’s Advanced Technology Research Centres in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific (APAC), in partnership with University College Cork (UCC) and Zhejiang University (ZJU), respectively. The articles in this issue represent a small sample of the output from the R&D undertaken in these centers, which combine academic excellence with real industry impact.

Straight from the Heart: IT Portfolio Governance

Brian Cameron

Getting to the heart of IT portfolio governance is the strong connection between principles, processes, people, and performance.

The Frontier of Fintech Innovation — An Introduction

Philip O'Reilly

Journey to the fintech frontier to discover the key emerging technologies and how can they be integrated together to create substantial business value.

We Need to Talk About IoT Data Security

Curt Hall

Organizations face several challenges when it comes to protecting sensitive data in Internet of Things (IoT) devices, platforms, and applications.

Make No Excuses: Striving for Information Superiority

Paul Clermont

Today the global Internet, broadband telecommunications, and Moore’s Law make technology an ever less valid reason for falling short of information superiority and well-managed digital capital.

4 Tips for Meeting the Digital Transformation Challenge with Agile and Lean Teams

Peter Kaminski

This Advisor shares some easy-to-implement actions your organization can take to meet the digital transformation challenge, specifically by applying Agile and Lean concepts.

Well, Aren't You Smart: Culture and Skills for Information Superiority

Borys Stokalski, Bogumil Kaminski

If information superiority seems to be the name of the game in your business, do not lose time. Start early and move quickly.

Building a Strong Foundation for Digital Transformation

Raj Ramesh

To transform your organization, you need to understand and model the current state, model the desired future state, and identify the work that will help your organization move toward that future.

Data Once Upon a Time

Mariusz Rafalo

Time is a critical resource in hypercompetition. From a business perspective, every piece of information is embedded in time, and every piece of information loses value as time passes.

Engines of Innovation

Borys Stokalski, Bogumil Kaminski

Many well-managed companies struggle to establish the smoothly working engines of innovation; we observe several typical points of failure in their attempts.

Say “Yes” to Guest Leadership

Alistair Cockburn

Helping a shorter person put a bag in the overhead compartment, organizing neighborhood cleanups, or starting petitions to change government — these small acts of leadership happen every day, forming the glue that holds civil society together.

Through the Looking Glass of Architectural Innovation

Balaji Prasad

Sometimes what we call innovation is only creating change. We may call it innovation, though, and we may not be able to contradict our own logic. The work of architecture is to delineate the trivial from the sublime, to enable us to see those aspects of a system that have a disproportionate impact on value. The work of architecture, first and foremost, is to help us “see” the architecture.

Strategy Execution Turned on Its Head

Whynde Kuehn

What if we approached executing business direction from an enterprise perspective rather than in silos? What if we prioritized, architected, and planned changes from the top-down instead of the bottom-up?

Building New Business Models with Blockchain

Curt Hall

Organizations are using blockchain to create new business models — exploiting its capabilities for optimizing contract management, financial transaction management, and identity management.

Why Do Organizations Take on Technical Debt?

Mohan Babu K

Enterprise architects and IT executives recognize the problem of technical debt, but what do they do without the resources and funding to deal with it? They need tools and techniques to communicate the problem to their stakeholders and engage with them.

What Are the Limits to Conventional Information Superiority?

Richard Veryard

The business value of consumer analytics and big data is not just about what you can discover or infer about the consumer, but how you can use this insight promptly and effectively across multiple touchpoints to create a powerful and truly personalized consumer experience.