Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

Big Data: Privacy and Security

Rebecca Herold

Big Data is not only knocking at your business executives' doors, it is being pushed in their faces with dire warnings that if they don't adopt it, their business is doomed for failure.

A Matter of Vector

Brian Dooley

Last month we looked at the veracity factor in Big Data, which concerns the uncertainty of input and the need to cross-check and correct it (see "The Veracity Factor"). This is important because results in streams, such as social data comments, do not yield a precise interpretation.

Big Data, Big Denial

Vince Kellen

In a mutual boot-strapping beginning with the dawn of Homo sapiens, mankind and information have both exploded in variety, velocity, and volume. Our fates have been intertwined. We advance by harvesting, using, and sharing information. Along the way, information persists, mutates, and diffuses further.

Why Software Services Organizations Can Never Be Agile

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy

The key members from the technology group are waiting to hear about the new project that the director is going to announce. The meeting is about to begin, and the room is filled with silence. They know that the project has something to do with Java, Oracle, and the cloud. The director starts explaining the importance of this strategic project and delivering it on time to the customer.

Time for Game-Changing Mobile Enterprise Apps

Curt Hall

A recent article in the New York Times describes a New York Police Department (NYPD) pilot program in which approximately 400 officers have been given smartphones to help them fight crime.

The User Experience

Bhuvan Unhelkar

The experience a customer has with an organization is no longer restricted to the time window of that interaction.

Corporate Adoption of Tablets for Mobile BI

Curt Hall

For some time now, tablets routinely have been touted as an ideal platform for making mobile BI practical. But to what extent are end-user organizations actually adopting tablets to support their mobile BI initiatives?

Measurement Is Not a Number

Robert Charette

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

On Projects, Products, and Gaming Theory

Jens Coldewey

The more agile software development becomes mainstream, the more often I run into a typical pattern of management mismatch. It comes in several flavors. A recent client CTO who is responsible for the IT of an online store illustrates one example.

Understanding Organizational Interactions

Mike Rosen

Every company has some form of organizational chart. We're all used to seeing the hierarchy of boxes and lines and names that are characteristic of traditional reporting structures.

A Strategic View of Risk Management

Ken Doughty, Cheryl Terry

The global financial crisis (GFC) provided a once-in-a-generation opportunity to develop support among key decision makers that a strategic view of risk management actually does matter. Post-GFC views of risk management increasingly seek to embed the analysis and understanding of risk within the strategy process. After all, strategy is about taking risk. The challenge then becomes: how do we control this risk taking?

A Bigger Cloud Ecosystem Is on Its Way

San Murugesan

Driven by several converging and complementary factors, cloud computing is advancing as an IT service delivery model at a staggering pace. It is also causing a paradigm shift in the way we deliver and use IT.

What Is My Contingency Plan for My Internet Life?

Bob Benson

Last week, CNN reported on the "biggest Cyberattack in history" involving two Internet companies in Europe. Apparently the scale exceeded any previous attack by, maybe, a factor of 10.

Agile Is Way Past the Chasm

John Heintz

Does this quote from Moore's Crossing the Chasm feel like the agile adoption marketplace today?

When a product reaches this point in the market development, it must be made increasingly easier to adopt in order to continue being successful. If this does not occur, the transition ... may very well stall or never happen.

Business Architecture Is Coming of Age

Mike Rosen

For the past few years, we've argued that business architecture is important, its use is growing, and it is being used to deliver value to organizations.

The Emerging Cloud Ecosystem: Innovative New Services and Business Models

San Murugesan

[From the Editor: This week's Cutter IT Advisor is from Cutter Senior Consultant San Murugesan's introduction to the March 2013 issue of Cutter IT Journal, "The Emerging Cloud Ecosystem: In

The Veracity Factor

Brian Dooley

Big Data has frequently been described as differing from standard BI and analytics by volume, velocity, and variety. These factors describe most of the current initiatives within the area and point to issues that make analysis difficult.

How Bad Could It Be? Coping with Cyber War in the 21st Century

Ken Orr

"[T]he nation's top intelligence official, James R. Clapper Jr., warned Congress that a major cyber attack on the United States could cripple the country's infrastructure and economy, and suggested that such attacks now pose the most dangerous immediate threat to the United States, even more pressing than an attack by global terrorist networks."

The Front-End vs. Back-End Dichotomy Is Dead

Israel Gat

Expanding agile in development to end-to-end agile was always a tricky business. You could, of course, drive success in agile downstream, using your success in development as the lever for change, provided you had carefully thought through three major aspects:

Taming the Video Bandwidth Hog

Curt Hall

Back in September of 2012, I discussed business video and issues associated with implementation and usage (see "Catch the Wave of Business Video").

Ready to Make Work Easy?

Esther Derby

Managers, especially middle managers, are uniquely positioned to see an integrated and holistic picture of their organizations. But they won't do so as long as they see their role as getting people to work hard.

What's Up with Watson?

Curt Hall

Two years ago, I examined Watson-IBM's natural language question answering system (see "How Smart Is Watson, and What Is Its Significance to BI and DSS?").

New Technologies for the New, Collaborative Workplace

David Coleman

Although collaboration is a behavior, it can often be enabled by various technologies. But it's not just collaboration technologies that will define the workplace of the future. These seven technologies will be crucial in shaping the future workspace.

On Agile and Discipline

Jens Coldewey

"Freedom doesn't mean to do what you want, but to want what you're doing."

-- Maria Montessori

Pursuing Process Ownership

Andrew Spanyi

An organizational capability, much like an end-to-end process, requires that different departments work together to create value for customers.